Commissioned Pieces
People, Pets, Passions, anything is possible!
Service Description
THERE ARE 3 TYPES OF COMMISSIONED WORK. Please read the following to determine which style of drawing/painting you are requesting. 1) PORTRAITS (or work desired that is EXACTLY like a photo you have.) Send Dawn CLEAR, CLOSE-UP photos that capture the personality or mood of the subject(s), decide which size and style of portrait you would like from the following choices: (Note: Duration of project depends on size and medium choice.) *****PORTRAIT PRICING IS BASED ON SINGLE SUBJECT PORTRAITS AND STANDARD SIZES. ADDED COST FOR EACH ADDITIONAL SUBJECT.**** Shipping not included. (Keep in mind, if sending multiple pictures of different subjects, lighting can be an issue...ask Dawn.) CURRENT PRICING PENCIL-CHARCOAL / COLORED PENCIL / PASTEL SIZE /COST /COST /COST 5X7 $45.00 $55.00 $60.00 8X10 $85.00 $95.00 $105.00 11X14 $155.00 $170.00 $196.00 16x20 $250.00 $290.00 $320.00 24x36 $380.00 $420.00 $450.00 (Contact Dawn for a quote regarding larger sizes.) ACRYLIC PAINTINGS $$$ need to be discussed with Dawn. 2) SUBJECTS & ADDED ELEMENTS NOT IN PHOTOGRAPH: Example; Dawn draws your dog from a photograph, but you request the dog be sitting on a King's throne, (not in the original photograph.) Any added element(s) not in the original photograph. Combining elements from different sources adds additional time, creativity, lighting/shadow manipulation and so on. This will add to the above quoted price based on how much you request. 3) AN ORIGINAL ARTWORK: Dawn creates the work from her imagination and not directly based on a photograph, even if the subject matter might be inspired by a real-life element.
Contact Details
796 West Caine Street, Meridian, ID, USA